Buy Google Maps Data Extractor and start aggregating accurate information about your Target Audience, Competitors & Vendors. Application Working in All  Operating System you so, you not need to worry about that it`s working in your operating system or  not. Application Work in Window Operating System, Linux Operating System and Mac Operating System, that basic need only Google Web Browser only.

Why Google Maps Scraper!

  • Extracts important data from Google Maps: Business Name, Category, Address, City, Country, Postal Code, Email, Fax, Latitude, Longitude, Phone, Reviews, Source Link, State, Unique ID and Website
  • Perfect search by specific Keywords, same as done on Google Maps
  • Search results within specific set radius (in miles or km) to get precise area wise data
  • Ready-to-use Google Maps Data Scraping Software to get started instantly
  • One screen dashboard to get all the information at a single view

Google Maps Scraper Features

  • Supports
  • One screen dash board will give ease in control and operations
  • Search by Keywords (can be specific terms, location, zip, industry, etc.) and within specific Radius
  • Export Scraped Data in csv file
google data extractor
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